How I use them
Store dry ingredients
I always buy dry ingredients in bulk and store them in glass jars. Buying them in bulk reduces the cost and packaging waste. Glass jars help me keep those ingredients tidy. And as a bonus, it looks rather pretty too.
Store homemade foods
Make sure to sterilise the jar before use.
Chicken and pork stock
Glass jars are handy for storing homemade foods or cooking with them. When I made pork and chicken broth, I poured it into a sterilised jam jar when it was still hot and closed it. Then I flipped and vacuumed it. I kept the broth in the freezer for a month and used it to make homemade curry.

I also had a chance to get a large glass jar, so I decided to prepare miso in it. I sterilised the pot and lid with food-safe antibacterial spray and stored miso in it. It has been nearly one year since my mother and I prepared the miso, so it’s almost ready to use! We are very excited to see how it will turn out.

Glass jars are convenient for making homemade dressing too. Simply add all the ingredients and shake it. Super duper easy!

Since my mum recommended raising the small orchid I have with water, we used a Bonne Maman compote jar as a transparent flower pot, which is a perfect size! It lets the light in, and we can see the whole plant too!
Dishwasher tablets

As you know from our Smol review, we’re using their dishwasher and washing tablets. I use a gherkins jar with a lovely pattern to store the pack of 30 dishwasher tablets. The pot looks like it was made for it; it’s filled right to the top.
If you have some spare glass jars, they can also be used as a container to give to someone else. There are lots of pretty jars that we can find in supermarkets. When I made Kohakutou, I put some in a glass jar to bring as a souvenir for my mother-in-law.
Benefits of reusing food jars
Eco-friendly and saving money
Instead of buying any glass jars when grocery shopping, look at the shape and size of the items and their price, imagine how you could use them afterwards, and then once you’ve emptied the jars, you can enjoy them in a new way!
Reduce waste
Buying dry ingredients in bulk and storing them in glass jars can reduce packaging waste whenever you purchase products. If you have any bulk shops near where you are based, it’s even better! You can bring those jars to refill at the shop.
My favourite ones
My favourite jar is Bonne Maman’s 600g compote jars. They have a lovely shape, the lid has a gingham (or Vichy check) pattern, and the label is easy to remove! I usually put them in the dishwasher, and the label is removed after the wash without any sticky bits left on the surface!
How to remove the label

The Bonne Maman one is straightforward to remove, but most others are anything but. So I mixed a ratio of baby oil to the bicarbonate soda to make a paste, then I applied it on the sticky label and left it for 20 to 30 minutes. No more sticky leftovers!
Make sure to use the heat-proof jar
Most of the time, I buy a product in a glass jar with either jam, pasta sauce or pickled products, which were heated when they were produced. I reuse them after enjoying the products. I have never had any problem using the jars, but just make sure you use the heat-proof one to keep yourself safe.
Easy to recycle
When you don’t need the jar anymore, your local council can recycle them without any problem. Glass and metal lids won’t end up in a landfill.
Closing words
I hope you found this article interesting and helpful! I am curious about how other people use those glass jars, so let us know how you use them via Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. And if you’re not already, subscribe to our email list so that you don’t miss our updates.